The 15th Biennial Convention of the ASEAN Neurological Association 2023 (ASNA 2023) is a great opportunity for all colleagues working in the field of Neurology to connect, share and grow. The Organizing Committee warmly welcomes colleagues to exhibit Posters.
- Submit abstracts: from March 1st, 2023, to July 9th, 2023.
- Review and accept posters: from June 24th, 2023, to July 23rd, 2023.
- Submit the official posters for final approval: July 23rd, 2023, to August 3rd, 2023.
- Organizer:
- Hoang Tien Trong Nghia:
- Nguyen Le Trung Hieu:
Some guidelines about the abstracts
- English language.
- Word counts: no more than 300 words, excluding the title and author’s name, tables, charts, and images.
- Title: concise with clear summary of the research, first letter in capital for each word in the title, refrain from using abbreviations.
- Content: briefly and clearly present the basis, the objectives, the methods, the results, the conclusions, keywords, and acronyms; emphasize new and important aspects of research.
- Copyright: not circulated elsewhere prior to the date of the conference, mandatory provision of a written consent by all authors listed in the abstract.
- Medical ethics: in compliance with related regulations
Some guidelines on poster presentation: (Poster Presentation)
- English language.
- Size: A0 paper size (841 x 1189mm or 33.1 x 46.8 inches); vertical.
- Presentation: The content is a summary, with elegant illustrations, tables, charts, and easy-to-read layout. The logo, information about the conference, and contact information for the lead author are presented.
- For the Poster to be approved, either the main author or the author representing the group must be presented at the Poster report session.
Approval criteria:
- Potentially arouse wide interest for further development from the audience.
- New information, revolutionary methods or ideas.
- Applicability.
- Accepted abstracts will be published in the Vietnamese Journal of Neurology.
- In case the submitted abstract was rejected, the author can publish or present such abstract elsewhere.
- The main author (or 01 representative author presenting the Poster): free registration to attend the congress.
- Other supports and prizes will be announced after review results are available.